Minutes Page

Minutes of the October 14, 2012 meeting of the Michiana Bonsai Study


Present:          Dave Bechtold

                   Larry Benjamin

                   John DeMaegd

                   Bruce Kennedy

                   Kathy Lee 

Location:     Brentwood Senior Living Center

Refreshments:    Kathy Lee  (incl. her great Apple-Rhubarb Dump Cake !)


             Larry narrated his pictures of the 2012 Chicago Show - including

             Cat's Award of Merit winning Natal plum, while Dave operated

              the (old) DVD player. After a break to enjoy "seconds" of Kathy's

              treats, Larry then ran his slide show of the National Bonsai & Penjing

              Museum in Washington DC. John also ran a raffle where two bonsai

              gifts from Cheryl were won by Dave and Larry. (Thanks Cheryl.)


             Before everyone left Larry made two announcements regarding next

              month's meeting. First, he said that he'd have enough to eat to make

              it unnecessary for you to eat lunch before coming on November 11.

              So, we'll meet at 1:00, lest you get too hungry. Secondly, he asked

              that we all think of meeting topics for 2013 and bring them to discuss

              when we meet. Both Dave and John had some good ideas already.

              Be sure to bring yours so we can discuss them in November.