
        Minutes of the September 10, 2023 meeting of the Michiana Bonsai Study  

Present:      Larry Benjamin, Michael Ciesiolke, Lisa Chilik, John Deguara, John DeMaegd, Mary Hesser,

                       Kevin Mann, Terry Mersich, Janie Minick, Wanda Walker and Al Whitfield

Location:    Home of John DeMaegd, South Bend, IN


              In this meeting we both planned and worked on trees. Michael & Terry brought a Japanese maple that they will be letting

 grow to increase trunk diameter. They also had two trees that had been the lunch for some insect pests. Larry suggested an insecticide

(the name of which he later emailed: Sevin) which will kill the insects on contact. A systemic can also help, athough the immediate

damage seemed to call for the Sevin.

     Janie Minick brought two conifers in pots that she had made. One was pretty much ready to show in the following weekend's

Fort Wayne bonsai show. The other, a Mugho pine, got some trimming as well as wiring.

     Kevin Mann brought a bougainvillea that he had gotten at one of our previous meetings. He had done a good job of training it

and it is developing into a nice little tree.

      John Deguara brought a pot with five maples that he plans to develop into a forest. Although now was not the time, next spring

he can start by repotting with shallower roots and, possibly, spreading out the trees. One tree, the largest and with a nice nebari, was

determined to be in front of the group.

      Lisa Chilik brought a Serissa to work on. Her very healthy tree (still in bloom) got a haircut. In the future she may want to

decrease its height to accentuate its still fairly small trunk.

      Mary Hesser brought two hornbeams that she wanted to make plans for. Shortening seemed best, with the possibility of

air layering on her list. Mary also distributed information on the upcoming Master Gardeners tree sale. (If you missed this, ino

will be available at our October meeting.)      

       Wanda brought a Ficus that need work. fter wiring it looked much more like a bonsai than a bush. Also, Wanda

brought a tray of Fukien tea plants that she had raised from seed. These were offered to club members. 

       Finally, we stopped to enjoy John's refreshments. He served a delicious fruit mix and moist brownies, along with beverages.

We also got a chance to taste some cookies that Wanda brought which were made with acorn flour.