
          Minutes of the October 1, 2023 meeting of the Michiana Bonsai Study  

Present:      Larry Benjamin, Diane Buday, Lisa Chilik, Michael Ciesiolka, John DeMaegd, Mary Hesser,

                       Jimmie Lyon, Kevin Mann, Terry Mersich, Janie Minick, Bob Mortenson, Wanda Walker and Al Whitfield

Location:    Home of Larry Benjamin, Bristol, IN


           At the October meeting members both worked on trees and planned for their future development. More work was done on

Ficus than any other type of tree. Mary Hesser, Janie Minick, Lisa Chilik and Diane Buday all worked on the Ficuses that they

had brought. Diane and Kevin Mann both tried to get ideas for the styling of theFicus that they had at the meeting. Future plans

for other trees were sought as well - Mary for her pomegranite and Bob Mortenson for his Bougainvillea. Meanwhile, Wanda

Walker worked on a pomegranite that she has had for quite some time. And, Wanda brought pomegranite seedlings to share

with all those who wanted to add one to their collection.

      In terms of club business, Larry reported that he had lined up a talented bonsai photographer from Grand Rapids (Tim Priest)

to be our guest artist in February. He is looking for an indoor space since our usual venue, Linton's, won't have the needed lighting.

One special feature of this program will be that members who bring a tree will be able to get it photographed.

      Larry also reminded everyone of our end of year social luncheon at Ho Ping Place in South Bend from 1:00 - 3:00 on November 5.

All of those interested should bring an item for the white elephant raffle. (See rules for it at "Next Meeting" on our website.)

      Lastly, Larry reminded members that we will be electing officers at the November meeting. Note the plural, "officers".

In order to broaden the governance and responsibilities required to keep our club operating effectively, our revised club charter

now calls for the election of three officers annually: a president, a vice president and a secretary. (See the responsibilities of each on our

website.) Larry encouraged members to consider running for an office to fulfill that need.