Minutes Page

      Minutes of the March 10, 20113 meeting of the Michiana Bonsai Study

Present:     Larry Benjamin, Rose Benjamin, Greg Campbell, John DeMaegd, Mark Fields, Ken Fisher

            Ed Hake, Bruce Kennedy, Darlene Kittle, Jerry Kittle, Kathy Lee, Mary Morgan,

            Sue Salach, and Paul Weishaar 

Location:     Linton’s Enchanted Gardens, County Road 17, Elkhart

Refreshments  Kathy Lee

Program:                          Photos

Mark Fields presented a program on the repotting of decidious bonsai (assisted by Paul Weishaar).

Mark brought a Chinese elm at least 30 inches high with an impressive trunk which he repotted to

demonstrate. After removing the tree from the pot, Mark showed how to angle the root scissors

about 45° downward so that the new roots would tend to grow down, instead of upward. Mark used

his favorite potting material, akadama, in repotting - mounding it up in the center where he had

removed much of the roots. He reminded us to pot the tree off-center, with the branches centered

over the pot. (An exception would be a slanted or cascaded tree.) As he used a stick to pack in the

akadama, Mark emphasized the need to insert the stick and rotate it, not just poke and poke it

in at many locations, thus doing unnecessary damage to the roots. After the akadama had been

compacted, Mark watered the tree until the water draining from the pot no longer contained

"silt" from the potting material. He cautioned us to be sure that we didn't place newly repotted

trees where the water would freeze (for at least three weeks).

After his demonstration, Mark offered trees, pots, wire and potting "soil" for sale.