
            Minutes of the April 9, 2017 meeting of the Michiana Bonsai Study

Present:     Larry Benjamin, John Cerovski, John DeMaegd, Mary Hesser, Sofia Ivanova,

  Mark Rennie, Paul Weishaar and Deanna Young

Location:     Home of Larry Benjamin

Refreshments:    Rose & Larry Benjamin


Sofia and Mark, Deanna, John DeMaegd and Larry worked on their own trees (BYOT). In addition,

Mary and Deanna purchased shimpaku junipers for our workshop and worked on styling them. In all

of these activities we were fortunate to have the assistance of our own club member John DeMaegd as

well as our two welcome, experienced and talented guests: John Cerovski from Kalamazoo and Paul

Weishaar from Indianapolis. With the help of a beautiful spring day (the high was 76 degrees !), we all

came away with better trees for our collections.